Monday 25 July 2011

Art Related Rant.

**Edit** Since writing this something has been nagging at me, a little errant thought growing and growing. I am not mad at the these people for giving in or standing on the side-lines waiting for someone else to do the leg-work. I am mad at me. Here I am saying 'damn it, do something about it' and then adding that I can't because I don't know how, or I don't have the sponsorship or the funds. Well, I live by the edict that if you don't like something, change it. I don't like the fact I'm ranting about people unwilling/unable to do something that I am unwilling/unable to do, so I am going to start asking questions, I'm going to ask the local galleries what they can do, then the local businesses what they can do. Who is willing to put artwork up on their walls? Who is willing to sponsor a show? How many artists would be willing to put work into that show? etc.

I recently listened to a pod cast where there was  a discussion about getting art for a show, it sounded like a lot of hard work but ultimately worth it.

I will keep you updated.
Claire They had a show on this weekend which I mentioned in my last post.. A lot of the work there was done by illustrators, not necessarily fantasy and sci-fi, but artists non the less. They have a building in Jamaica Street, Bristol where they work from which is also a really good gallery when they open it up. 
They have 3 floors of gallery space, and a lift that isn't working so they used the space at the bottom to display more art. It was free entry, drinks and cake were cheap and they were selling a booklet of the event. Also all the art was for sale and I actually saw a huge wad of cash being handed over at one point (huge by my generally broke standards). 
I am going to find out more about them because it looks like a great place to work. 

Then you have this If a renegade graffiti artist can get into the City of Bristol Art Gallery then I honestly believe Fantasy art can. 

BristolCon have been doing a fantasy and sci-fi convention for the last 3 years and have wall space they are offering up to artists.

And so you don't think it's all Bristol... A life drawing class with a twist.

I'm mentioning this because of a conversation where it has been mentioned that there doesn't seem to be a big market in England for fantasy art. Well I say that is because we haven't made a market for it. Fantasy artists in the UK have got to stand up and be heard, but it seems we are waiting for someone else to do the work for us. 
There was another conversation a lot like this on the Guardian website when the government cut art funding. 'Oh woe is us what are we to do now?' My answer was to carry on with what we had been doing before. I admit my opinion came from not having used arts council money before and so not really missing it, nothing has changed for me. 

I believe we should get off our backsides and do the legwork ourselves. If you want your work in a gallery, set it up, go to the gallery and discuss the show you want to put on. If you want your work published, then go to and publish it. I'm tired of people saying they wish things were different. If you want it to be different so bad you have to mention it in a group forum, then bloody do something about it.

For my part, I helped set up Full Frontal Lobe, because I want to get my work in print. I have got my ticket to BristolCon and am going to see about getting some work on their walls. I am going back to college and then to Uni so that I can learn more about the art I want to do and to get the knowledge and the contacts to do it. And now I'm seriously considering looking into a style gallery show for fantasy art. This may take some time because of the other things I'm doing and getting funding and sponsorship, but if no-one else is willing to do it, I bloody well will.

Rant over.

1 comment:

  1. There is for a reason that fantasy art is not very popular for an arts subjuect. Is because it is very hard for maybe the average persons to understand. Is very particular to the fans. I thinks its also because it is one of the subjects of art that is badly drawn more than others. I think fantsy arts has not come a long way in years and whys it isnot more popular to the mainstream. I think is good you want for it to become bigger, but to look at current trends is to say no. I have friends who make fantasy concepts art for companies and there arts are highly original and skilled and they have work constant but always say how bads other fantasy art is. I think your real works are better than your fantsy. This is also where I do not understand the "Ghetto Fairies!" LOL
