After lunch we were given some paper and a range of charcoals, rubbers, putty rubbers, chalks, and other drawing implements, and were basically told to go crazy, make marks, use all the implements, see what you come up with. Then when that was done we were given bigger pieces of paper and put into groups where we had to draw the person opposite by using the same techniques, we didn't have to draw their face or features, but how we perceive THEM, and seeing as how we had all only just met this morning, that was kinda awkward, but a lot of fun. Rachel found bits she liked from all of our compositions, then we hung them up to look at and we each found something we liked about the others. I even pointed out how I was quite happy with my part, as I usually find I pale in comparison to the others around me, but today I shined just as brightly. I do have a photo taken on my camera phone but we will be taking more photos later. As for tonight, the homework is to cut up the smaller one and stick it into our scrapbooks... This is going to get messy.
This morning I couldn't eat breakfast and nearly leaned out of my car to throw up. This afternoon I was still terrified thinking about all the work to be done before the end, and how little margin for error there really is, and this evening I'm quite chilled, reasonably pleased with myself, and starving hungry! I'm off to make some food.
Mine is the bottom half, the top half was done by one of the other students who's name I can't remember at this time...To see it properly tip your head upside down. We will apparently be taking better pictures of it on Monday and then cutting it up. This is the first thing going into our portfolio. *Gulp*
I'm so glad it went well :)