In the morning we all trundled in, some with colds, the rest anticipating our own health declining over the next few days. We sat around the central table and our tutor laid out a load of postcards of one artists work and then asked us what century they were painted in. We all looked at each other in the hope someone knew what the hell we were meant to say... we stared back at each other with a blank look on our faces.
Eventually we began to think about it and using our powers of deduction came up with the right answers, it turns out we knew more about art history than we had previously thought. We spent the rest of the morning discussing everything in the pictures, realising that they were all painted in the same room, for wealthy merchants.
It was exhilarating. I had previously thought art history to be boring and not really worth my time, now I'm actually interested in it and looking forward to doing the module.
For the afternoon session we were told to take photographs of each other as we would be using these for a self portrait next week. We were not to take them as portrait pictures thought, and the lights were turned out. We had to distort ourselves and our faces, take photos from odd angles, from the floor, from the table, etc. Out of this bout of fun I have had the best photo taken of me ever! I will upload the picture as soon as I have a copy!
Once we had settled down from our photo shoot we got out our large mark making sheets of a week ago and hung them up to photograph. Then we had to decide with our partners which pieces we were having and cut them up. It is probably the hardest thing for an artist to do, discuss with another which bits to take and then take a pair of scissors or a knife and divvy it all up. I was having heart palpitations.
Needless to say my mark making scrapbook is now a little fatter.
All in all another good day.
The top half was Sarah's and the bottom half was mine, now it's all in bits and glued into our scrapbooks.
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