Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Sketchbook Update 5

What happens why you find out your an alien?

An idea I have been developing for a while now, 'Ghetto Fairies' Copyright Claire Carter 2011. I have spent ages trying to find a way to do this and I think I've done it. The reference image came from a google images search. I hope to develope this idea a bit more so keep watching!

Sitting in my car, waiting, I got bored and drew myself through the mirror. Yes, that is a spider, I have one dangling from my mirror...

Met with Rose and Dan on Sunday (as previously mentioned) and Rose sat for me. 


  1. I have found you again! I'm an glad you have started a new blog and that you will attend the college for to make your artwork better. There are some things I do not understand however of your arts. What does the point of "Ghetto Fairies"? I do not understand this. Also, I think you need for to make your shading with pieces less like a scribble. Maybe to use a softer pencil and not be so hard with your pressing?


  2. Peter! Hello.

    Ghetto Fairies is an idea I'm still working on. It is going to be a range of fairies from 'the hood' or gang members, they are from really bad neighbourhoods, not your typical fairy. This one was the first idea, I'm going to do a range and they aren't supposed to be serious, but a bit of fun.
    If fairies listened to hip hop they would look like this, as my partner says.

    Thanks for your advice about the shading, I will work on that :)

  3. I still do not get. I understand the bad fairies but it seems you splice togther 2 ideas that do not work. I see much improvedment with your techinal side of arts but I think you may need improvement on the ideas side off it. How does this develop as idea? Is just my opinion however; I do not much like fantsy arts and think ideas in this field are too vage for concepts. Also, alien picture needs work on the hand; how the wrist and fingers work is not anatomy!

